Just thought I would do a quick post about what has been going on with us lately. We have a lot of family that live out of state and we don’t get to see them very often, so I thought this might be a nice way of just giving them a peak into our lives!
I was pretty excited about this new development… It had been about two and a half years since I had gotten a new phone and trust me… it was much needed. My poor iPhone 5 had been swimming in my friend’s pool, dropped in water, drooled on by my baby and chewed on by Jackson when he was younger, and pretty much was freaking out every time I went outside because of the humidity. Who knows how many times it had been dropped… my favorite dropping memory was when it slid through the seats at a Rockets game and fell a good 40-50 feet under the bleachers. Jacob reminded me of that one the other day haha… Honestly I was impressed it made it as long as it had.
Jacey Lynn is still vying for any kind of attention she can possibly get from anybody… I’m pretty sure that if the UPS guy stayed longer than a minute dropping off my Amazon packages she would hit him up for a scratch on the head too. She loves the boys though and love playing with her ball in the yard still. Sometimes when I run at night I let her out in the front when I go get the mail and she goes nuts running around everywhere hehe. She turned five this week so we gave her some treats and a little toy that Jackson picked out for her when we were at Target.
She likes the baby’s hoppy pillow. |
Most of our days are filled with errands, church and playing outside. We like to go to the neighborhood park and Stevenson park in Friendswood. Jackson loves to slide and swing, and even little Jude got to swing this past weekend!
He had just woken up hehe, he had a few smiles in the swing! |
We also went to the zoo this past week with friends, Jude’s first time! We had a great visit! We didn’t stay too long though just because Jude was so exhausted by lunch time! He needs his naps for sure during the day and doesn’t take very long ones while we are out.
Serious Jude Man. :0) |
Jacob is still enjoying his job at ENSCO, and he brought home this little onesie for Jude to wear!
No huge travel plans coming up any time soon aside from running over to Vidor to see my fam bam, but we do have plans on taking a cruise with my family next summer though! Really excited about that! So now you are caught up with our lives these days haha!